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We provide struggling individuals in the East Bay with basic services otherwise not available. Food, showers and everyday value metrics including cryptocurrency support are offered with a positive outlook. (must have a phone that can download app @

We believe that by providing sustenance and dignity to those struggling, we build momentum and greater potential for individuals and communities to become sovereign. Our goal is to provide people with the resources and support that will allow them greater access to a life of inter-dependence.

We are only as beautiful as our most desperate...

Katrina comes from a fine, and upstanding middle-class upbringing. She had no idea that people lived in such depravity in her youth. Desperate and dangerous places where she would find herself living later in life. She has firsthand experience of the daily challenges that are faced by those without housing, and is intimately familiar with the subculture and how it functions. As the President of Tacos and Roses, she is the Administrator of our resources to serve the less fortunate and the voice of clarity when needed.


Jose was the first generation to be born in the United States. His parents are from Mexico and he is the oldest of three. He began doing drugs at a very young age and by the age of 19 had become addicted. He married at age 24 and has three beautiful children. Unfortunately, his family suffered tremendously due to his struggles. He now has more than a year clean, works fulltime, and is active in his children’s lives. He takes pride in being a part of something that gives to the community that he has taken so much from, and likes the feeling of lending a hand to someone in the trenches. As he says, "Mainly because someone did it for me".


Anh Tran

Anh was born in Vietnam and came to America in 1975 after the war. He served in the United States Air Force from 1979 until 1983. In 1996 he received a Bachelor’s degree from UC Davis in Fine Arts. Anh has been a pillar of wisdom, strength, and support in his community for hundreds of people over the years. As the Treasurer of Tacos and Roses, Anh is the backbone and voice of reason for our organization.


Anisa Rube

Anisa was born in Fremont and raised by her single mother. She taught Special Education in Oakland for eight years where she fell in love with the community. She is driven by a sense of gratitude to give back and has a special place in her heart for people in recovery. As the Secretary for Tacos and Roses, she is the nuts and bolts of this outreach.

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Executive Director

Chris Morris (Rooster)

Rooster was born and raised in the Bay Area. He was a ward of the state as a youth and returned to school later as a single father to acquire a degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Then in 2011, he met with financial hardship and was forced to either live out of his truck or discontinue pursuing his Bachelors at SFSU. In 2013, he received his degree in Urban Studies and Planning with honors and was one of the graduation speakers where he disclosed that he had been homeless during his education. As Founder and Executive Director of Tacos and Roses, Rooster is determined to assist the destitute in our Bay Area hoods with everything he has.

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